Compassionate Funeral Services in Newport and
the Surrounding Areas
Complete Funeral Planning Service
Liam Stafford Funeral Services provide a complete funeral planning service in Newport, ensuring the funeral is special and unique to the individual. We organise religious as well as non-religious funerals and go that extra mile to conduct each funeral with respect and dignity.

We'll Take Care of all the Funeral Arrangements
We fully understand the sensitivity of your situation and the difficulties you may be going through at this time. We are here for you. Whether you are planning a simple funeral or an elaborate one, we can take care of all the funeral arrangements on your behalf. We’ll take great care to ensure that the funeral is conducted as per your wishes.

Our Funeral Planning
Services Include:
- Burials and cremations
- Monumental headstones
- Green funerals
- Horse drawn carriages
- Funeral flowers
- Funeral cars
- 24-hour bereavement support
- Embalming

- Professional Fees included
- Collection of Loved One included
- Standard Coffin included
- Minister Fees included
- 2x Pall Bearers Included
- Provision of Motorised Hearse included
- Viewing included (office hours)
- Funeral date and time, to suit family
- Leave direct from our premises
- Choice of Crematoria (price not included)
- Other Funeral packages available.
Complaints Procedure & Terms of Business.
Our commitment to clients:
We aim to ensure that:
- Making a complaint is as easy as possible and we treat your complaint seriously
- We deal with your complaint promptly and in confidence
We learn from complaints and use them to review and improve our service.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is when you tell us you are not happy about any part of the service and/or the products we provide.
How to make a complaint:
If you wish to make a complaint you can contact our General Manager, Mr Liam Stafford, in any of the ways listed below:
- By email –
- In writing to –
Liam Stafford, 2 Wellington Road, Newport TF10 7HD - By phone – Tel: 01952 971400
In person (by appointment only) at – Liam Stafford, 2 Wellington Road, Newport TF10 7HD
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 days and fully investigated within 5 working days.

Liam Stafford Funeral Directors
2 Wellington Road
TF10 7HD

If you are unhappy with the response you can contact Mr Liam Stafford
in any of the ways listed below:
- By email –
- In writing to –
Liam Stafford, 2 Wellington Road, Newport TF10 7HD - By phone – Tel: 01952 971400

Terms of Business
The company requires the disbursement payment to be made at least 3 working days prior to the funeral service taking place. The final balance is due 7 working days from receipt of invoice (normally posted to the client 2 working days after the funeral). Any accounts not settled within shall attract an interest rate on the outstanding balance at the rate of 8% above Santander base rate per month, from time to time prevailing the account will also attract any legal and administration fees that the company endures as a result of breach of this contract by the client, interest shall continue to be charged before and after any Court Judgement unless stated otherwise by The Court at the time of making the order. For accounts that remain unpaid after the due date a £15 administration charge will be applied for each recorded delivery letter we send to you in connection with the unpaid account, we will write to you no more than twice before the outstanding balance is transferred to the court.
Disclosure of Interests
Ultimate Business Owners: Mr. Liam. F. Stafford and Mr. Dean. C. Harper.
Liam Stafford Funeral Directors & Stonemasons does not have any business or material financial interest in price comparison websites that compare Funeral Director Service and/or Crematoria Services and their respective prices.
Liam Stafford Funeral Directors & Stonemasons has not made any charitable donations to third parties connected to the funeral sector in the last 12 months.